September 30, 2019

Sara Lee, Artesano Bakery Bread Original

Oh gee oh boy howdy oh goodness it's that time of the month already. And by already I mean It's The Last Day Of September Folks. Look, we've had first day of the month posts before. You should have seen last day of the month posts coming. Really, this is all your fault. Anyway, we got us a nice normal bread to review today. That bread is Sara Lee's Artesano Bakery Bread Origninal. Who is Sara Lee you ask? Probably not this person. That's a hyperlink by the way. In case you're blind.

This Sara Lee bread is a nice bread when you consider it comes from Sara Lee, a well known name in the bread industry. Had I heard of Ms. Lee before purchasing this bread? Nope. Will I hear of Ms. Lee after this review? Probably also no. You just can't expect much from Sara Lee these days, or any days. However, this Artesano Bakery Bread is nothing to scoff at. Seriously, don't scoff at it. 

This bread is pretty nice, actually. The slices are pretty wide, and the insides are nice and Tasty. The top of this bread was also covered in like a powder of some sort. It looked like powdered sugar, but I'm almost positive it Wasn't. The bread is a pretty nice golden brown as well. This bread is very good as a sandwich bread or a bread to just like eat or whatever. And, according to Google Translate, the word 'artesano' is Spanish for Artisan. If that's not some sort of black magic trickery i don't know what is. 

According to the nutritional facts on this bread, one service size is only one slice, and one slice has 100 total calories. That's 200 calories per two slices people. Two Hundred Bread Calories Per Sandwich. And You Can Bet Your Bottom Dollar Those Calories Aren't Coming From The Iron Because:

Overall, I'd say this is a pretty good bread. It's got a nice taste, texture, and fan fiction. It also has a cool Spanish word in the name for a nice Ethnic Twist. So it's gotta get some extra points for that right. Okay I'll be honest here. I have to come clean. My cat may have eaten a hole in this bread's bag before I had a chance to try it. Like half of the slices were smashed. And the slices near the hole have hardened pretty badly since they're exposed to the air. So I've only been able to try like two sandwich worths of this bread. I hope you don't think less of me for this. 

Overall bread rating: 9.498/10
