December 19, 2018

Wonder Bread, Classic White

Okay, okay. Okay. I know what you're going to say. I can hear you. It's fine. You're wondering why in the South Dakota Champion of Cuisine that Wonder Bread's Classic White variety bread is the first ever Hashtag Bread Of The Month. Listen, I wanted to start of strong. I wanted to start off with a bread that everyone could understand and relate to. Sure, Wonder Bread's Classic White may not be everyone's cup of bread, but no one can deny it's tenure. Literally. And, no, I'm not going to elaborate.

There are a countless number of breads out there that just make you think, "sandwich." But, there are few breads out there that make you think, "SANDwich." And this is one of those breads. Wonder Bread Classic White is a great bread for a sandwich. You can smack cheese, salami, more cheese, ham, bacon, literally sliced food you want onto this thing and you're good to go. Heck, you could even stick a slice of Wonder Bread Classic White between two of these bad boys and have yourself a bread sandwich. I would.

Let's buckle down here for a second, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to talk about the taste of this bread. Boy howdy, the taste. This bread tastes Pretty Good. No, it's not gourmet bread, crafted by Thomas Bread atop the Skybakery baking bread for the good of the Bread Legion. This is a simple bread, with a simple, but good, taste. This bread is probably not a bread you could eat by itself and feel like you just met the Food King. I mean, I would eat this bread by itself, but that's just me. This bread is best served with some other food, like lunch meat. You know, typical bread compliments. Not mustard.

The color of this bread is one you would typically see on a bread of this kind. Brown. The middle of the bread is a lighter shade of brown with the crust being a darker shade of brown. These earthy tones really bring out the red, white, blue, and yellow packaging as supplied by Wonder Bread. Bread is typically brown, so this one fits the bill here.

The shape of the bread is basically what you would call a Bread Shape. It's got that squareish bottom, with the little roof-top rounded part at the top. This is to be expected with most factory-made breads. The shape really isn't that important anyway. If we had to worry about the shape of foods, we wouldn't be eating bacon would we?

Overall bread rating: 9/10
